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3-rail and single-rail ques

To: "Brian D. Devlin" <103252.3100@CompuServe.COM>, chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net,
Subject: 3-rail and single-rail ques
From: "Erik Berg" <>
Date: 12 Feb 1997 01:44:30 -0800
 Reply to:     3-rail and single-rail questions

Howdy, all.

This may be ancient history by now, but Marc wrote, about a month ago:
> Do you know if the guts of a late single rail trans will fit in a Cortina 3 
> case? 
OK, all you Ford 3-rail and single-rail experts, can anyone help answer 
Marc's question?

> I have a very nice single rail Quaife dog box

OK, now I start to understand why you would want to investigate fitting 
single-rail bits into the 3-rail case  :-)

This is the Quaife 'box called the "Rocket", right?  Does this have a built-up 
layshaft?  Gears run on needle rollers?  What are the ratios?

>  but I'm hesitant to put that design in my 7.

Hmmm... how come?  Educate me, about S2 7s.  Did they use 3-rails?

Or, are you hesitant because it is a dog-ring 'box?


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