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RE: Turn signal switch questions

Subject: RE: Turn signal switch questions
From: "Frank & Sandy Crowe" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 01:12:35 +0000
My TR3 had been rewired (not to stock) so I don't know much about the turn 
mechanism, but I also put a SPDT switch on my dash.

Before I tear out the steering columb system, I would start at the beginning 
before doing anything else - do you have +12 at the flasher?  I would use a 
12V bulb to test to ground, as a high impedence volt meter can fool you when 
you have leakage.  If so, take your bulb to the output of the flasher and 
see if you can get it to flash (may take two bulbs, as noted previously.)  
If that is the case, test either side of your switch and make sure you are 
getting power there.  That should do it, unless you have lost either the 
wires to the turn signals (one or both, either front or back) or each bulbs 
ground connection.

I wouldn't just assume the problem is in the steering colum either.

Good luck
Frank  '59 TR3 TS55223L

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