> Hi,
> I am trying to organize a Singer car meet this year on the West
>Coast (preferably Calif.) and was thinking of piggy-backing with a
>organized British car event. I initially thought about getting
>together at the Woodley Park British car day in L.A. but I can't seem
>to find when it will be and I would not be surprised if it has been
>cancelled as it has been too many times in the past.
Mike & all,
As the organizer of the LA event, as well as the Palo Alto All-British, all I
can say is that the cost of putting an event on in LA has gone so high that
unless we can get better participation from sponsors, there will never be
another here in LA.
Considering that the last show we did in 2004 only attracted 320 cars and the
field cost is now well over 2 grand (including the obligatory two hired
Rangers) and this is without any vendors or food (costs substancially more) and
last year, Park & Rec would only let us use the park on Saturday. The
obligitory insurance cost over $2500, publicity printing and mailings cost over
3 grand.
Outside of Moss and Vic British there are no advertizers except a few locals -
do the math!
I am still looking for a place to have the meet that is much cheaper and does
not expect the event organizer to insure the whole City of LA and The US Army
Corp. of Engineers (who actually own Woodley Park),
I can offer you the Palo Alto Meet for your get together or can turn you on to
the organizers of the San Diego or Ventura Meets - There also is a special
British Car component to the Palo Alto Concours this July that is being hosted
by former British Car Magazine publisher Gary Anderson (editorGary@aol.com).
We will keep in touch to see if my venue hunt goes any better
Rick Feibusch
British Car Network
Venice Beach, California