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Brit car events

Subject: Brit car events
From: Mike Rambour <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 00:29:57 -0800

  I am trying to organize a Singer car meet this year on the West 
Coast (preferably Calif.) and was thinking of piggy-backing with a 
organized British car event.  I initially thought about getting 
together at the Woodley Park British car day in L.A. but I can't seem 
to find when it will be and I would not be surprised if it has been 
cancelled as it has been too many times in the past.  So what else is 
there in the L.A. area ?

  Our last Singer meet was 4 (was it 5?) years ago at the Moss Motors 
British day in Buelton, for us a good location, gets some cars from 
L.A. and some cars from up North as well, but Moss has given up doing 
these British car days.  Perhaps middle of the state would be even 
better, so I am thinking of trying for the Palo Alto British day but 
again, I can't find when it is scheduled, from browsing the web I 
found that all the past ones were first or second weekend in 
September, from that I am guessing that is when it will be this year.

   Looking for suggestions, I am not talking a lot of cars although 
this year I have a semi-commitment from 4 pre-war Singers and 3 
post-war to be at a show if possible.  We do this at Stowe in Vt. 
every year and its quite good for us, gets around 10 cars out and 
lots of owners together.  For me personally, I would prefer the 
beginning of summer rather than Sept. a few days after my daughter 
gets back in school.


Mike Rambour
Bug Writer err...Programmer
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