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RE: manuals

To: "triumph list" <>
Subject: RE: manuals
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 15:07:18 -0800
> It's $29.95 and I called VB and asked them what it included, but, the girl
> didn't know.  The web page was more informative, at:

Turns out they are also available from TRF (and probably Moss as well).  TRF
also has them on sale for $29.95 (until this Sunday), and has versions for
TR2-3, TR4-250, TR250-6, TR7-8, Spitfire, GT6, and Stag; as well as a whole
raft of MGs.  To see the list, go to
and enter CD-ROM in the "Search by Description" box.

According to TRF, "Included on each CD ROM is the factory workshop manual,
the factory spare parts catalogue, and the owner's handbook for the
respective model."

Unfortunately it doesn't mention how many different versions of each
document are included (probably only one) or what those versions are.  Also
no mention of whether the text is searchable or not.


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