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RE: Headers for '78 Caliornia Spitfire?

To: <>
Subject: RE: Headers for '78 Caliornia Spitfire?
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 21:06:03 -0800
> The short story is I would like to find California approved headers for
> a 1978 Spitfire.

I'm no authority, but I suspect such things do not exist.  Getting a CARB
approval is an expensive business, there's no reason for a manufacturer to
go through the expense unless they expect to sell enough units to make an
overall profit.

However, I've noted that many smog places don't know a header from a stock
manifold, I've heard many stories of cars passing with such modifications
and no CARB exemption.

My suggestion is to either do the work yourself, or take a trip over the
state line.


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