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Re: Billing Update Requested (URGENT)

To: <>
Subject: Re: Billing Update Requested (URGENT)
From: "Glen Wilson" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 18:59:44 -0500

I think you are reading a bit too much vehemence into my reply than was

If you are concerned about the welfare of list members in regard to this
scam, then it does matter which advice is "bad" and which isn't.

Threads like these tend to veer off toward hysteria after a few days. The
problem is real, but what is established fact and what is hearsay? That's
why I asked the writer where it was that eBay made a statement. It wasn't
sarcasm. I would very much like a source of authoratative information
regarding this issue, and my inquiry was sincere.


Glen Wilson
Suburban Philadelphia
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred Thomas" <>
To: "Glen Wilson" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: Billing Update Requested (URGENT)

> Glen, me and all the rest of the folks on this list are just trying to be
> help in warning listers or e-bay users of this scam, nothing more nothing
> less, I consider it a great favor that someone is looking out for each and
> everyone of us, it makes no difference how what system works, a scam is
> going around and over 30 people on "team net list" have been approached,
> you want to make such a strong point away from what the meaning of
> "help/warning" is all about I have no idea.  "FT"

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