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Re: measuring piston rise

To: Bill Meyer <>
Subject: Re: measuring piston rise
From: Larry Colen <>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 16:52:11 -0800
I did not mean to add another vent hole. I meant to run a vacuum line
from the top of the damper to some sort of a vacuum guage, ideally an
electronic one so that I could datalog the output. Modulo the
dampening from the oil, if the piston rise can be calculated by

position = ((pressure differential * piston area) = force) / springrate

Then at least in steady state conditions, or slowly changing
conditions, I should be able to calculate where I am on the needle at
any given time.

The "vacuum" line for the vacuum advance is on the other side of the
butterfly from the piston, so I can't just feed off of that.


On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 04:12:19PM -0700, Bill Meyer wrote:
> Larry,
> SU's have a vent hole in either the damper cap or the body of the air
> chamber - I believe its at the base of the upper section, right where it
> bells out.  The carb will not operate properly with two vent holes.
> Bill Meyer
> > The carb is an HIF-44. I've noticed that the damper cap does not have
> > a vent in it like my old HS-2s and HS-4s did. I was considering
> > getting another damper cap and attaching some sort of vacuum sensor to
> > the damper cap and at least under steady state conditions that should
> > correlate to piston rise.
> >

I've found something worse than oldies station that play the music I used to
listen to. Oldies stations that play the "new" music I used to complain about.                          

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