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Re: Old British Parts Catalogs

Subject: Re: Old British Parts Catalogs
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 22:05:11 EST
In a message dated 2/13/2003 5:37:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> There are few people left who grew up with a
> "Classical British Parts" training involving the "big Lucas red book", the
> factory collision guides, thumbed and annotated factory parts books and
> micro fiche. 

I didn't exactly grow up with all that, but I've made up for it over the 
years by collecting as many Triumph and Standard Spare Parts Catalogues as I 
possibly can. I've even ones for which I'll likely never have any use here in 
the United States, such as the SPC for the Standard Atlas MAJOR van, and a 
set of Factory Workshop Manuals for a Standard Atlas (not the "Major" 
version, but the older 948cc version).

By some absolute miracle, back in 1986, I walked up to a book vendor at a VTR 
Convention and quietly laid down $50 for a Lucas 400E Master Catalogue, 
1945-60. I thought it was a pretty large sum of money then, but I quickly 
came to find out a: what a deal I'd gotten (seeing as this one was 
practically "as new"), and b: just how rare these catalogues really are.

BTW, no, it's not for sale. Not now, not ever.

> I remember the thrill of obtaining my very own copy
> of Catalog Number 220/2  September 1981 Lucas Service British Car
> Replacement Parts 1965-1976 (also known as the big white book).

Oh, cr*p. You mean there's ANOTHER Lucas "bible" I need to look for? Figures. 

> Anyone remember Columbia Motor Corporation and their great engine parts and
> cable catalogs?  They still havn't found the body of the person I got that
> from.

I remember Columbia very, very well. They were resuppliers to a couple of the 
independent foreign car parts stores in my area, and I remember well their 
catalogs -- and ordering from them -- during my very brief career (about thre 
months) as an employee of a foreign parts store back in 1975. If only I'd 
been able to take some of their catalogs along with me when I left that job!

I also wish I could have taken away with me the pallet full of Lucas p/n 
555296 - P700 Tripod lamp units; alas, I only got four of them!


Andrew Mace, Vice President and 10/Herald/Vitesse Vehicle Consultant
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