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To: <>
Subject: the List
From: "Glen Wilson" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 22:02:02 -0500

A little insight from the management side (i.e., the people who do all the
work) would be more helpful than a one-sentence reply inviting me to leave.

I may be a dim bulb, but even I appreciate all the work you and Roger
Garnett have done for all of this time.

Just the same, there hasn't been much in the way of messages or exchange of
information in the past year or so, and the odd off-topic throw-away becomes
a significant percentage of the total traffic. (For what it's worth, if
someone wants to discuss patriotism or politics, I'd rather hear an
individual's views on the subject rather than receive anonymous simplistic
chain mail. Serious subjects deserve serious treatment, not a throw-away
quasi-jingoistic ditty.)

There were already marque-specific lists when this list was healthy because
that was the case back in about 1995 when I first subscribed. At that time ,
I subscribed to the MG list. Some of my messages went out to both lists and
most did not. However, more often than you would think, it was the British
Car list that answered all of my newbie questions because Lucas was Lucas
and Girling was Girling and half the people had owned MGs in some past life
if not at that moment in time. The British Car list was also valuable to me
when I had my Ford 100E. (I once lapped Andy Mace's Mayflower at Lime Rock.

I don't see where there would be any less interest now in a general british
car list, but traffic has probably grown a hundredfold on lists like th MG
list.  That much traffic becomes a bad thing when you feel like you'd at
least like to glance at each message before deleting it.  So, I would say
that some people are just swamped by the messages they already get.

I belong to this list and to the Rovernet mailing list (for Rover saloons,
not those agricultural vehicles).  I get maybe ten messages a day from the
Rovernet unless some topic is hot. We have around three hundred list members
of whom around thirty regularly contribute. When you need help, there's
always lots of help.

So, I wasn't really advocating the end of the British Car list.  I just
exaggerated a bit to get a bit of attention, I guess.  I'm sorry if I
offended Mark.  I will say, however, that I'm subscribed here under an email
address that doesn't get much other traffic, and it was good to see that
sudden surge today.



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