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Re: Master Cylinder Re-sleeve

To: Roland Dudley <>
Subject: Re: Master Cylinder Re-sleeve
From: Trevor Boicey <>
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 19:09:17 -0400
Roland Dudley wrote:
> Okay, so maybe a brass re-sleeve was in order to cure this problem once
> and for all.  I sent an email off to a well known company that does this
> kind of work.  $225, plus $8 shipping and handling.  Of course this also
> included a complete rebuild of the cylinder.
> It's not like these cylinders are rare and expensive.  I know of four
> for sure sources, and three more that I strongly suspect have them.
> Prices vary from $75 to $150.

  The trouble is likely that it's the same price to sleeve something
irreplaceable as something common.

  A Spridget wheel cylinder can be bought from a $20us bill and will
leave some change, but is just as much work to resleeve as an irreplaceable
one from some 30's exotica.

  I had my ZB master cylinder resleeved by Joe Curto, and it came
out great. It wasn't cheap though, partly because it's a dual master
cylinder with brakes and clutch in the same unit. However to replace
the cylinder was even more money, and I consider the sleeved units
to be better-than-new anyways since they shouldn't corrode.

  It had to be done though, my clutch bore just kept leaking
internally. I kept rebuilding it because I couldn't find damage,
but it kept failing. Eventually I found the tiny pit that
was ruining it.

  The symptoms for me were strange, the "nick" was on the bore
just where the piston was when the clutch was just off the floor,
just into the friction point.

  So I could use the car normally, but during the dainty parking
manoeuvers when I was parking the car, the clutch would suddenly
engage and all I could do was slam the brakes and stall it.

  I was working on the car a lot at the time, and I was driving
it on and off my hoist often, so there were a few scary moments
as I was trying to expertly negotiate the ramps and suddenly
found myself in gear!

  It's been perfect since the rebuild.

  I have a picture of the finished cylinder here:

Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada,
ICQ #17432933
"It seems like they have names for everything nowadays!" - Ajax

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