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Re: Master Cylinder Re-sleeve

Subject: Re: Master Cylinder Re-sleeve
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 12:12:45 -0700 (PDT)
Just checked Apple Hydraulics web site and they will do the re-sleeve
separately for $60.  That will bring the total cost to about the same as
a new master cylinder after the purchase of a rebuild kit.  Much more
reasonable, and the route I plan to take, if this is indeed Apple's
price.  Glad I kept the old master cylinder, so I can send it off and
get the whole mess taken care of in one sitting after it gets back!

Gotta get out there.  I've been seeing all kinds of interesting cars on
the road lately.  Several times I've seen s nice looking red MGB.  It
has a little primer under one door, but looks well restored, otherwise.
Yesterday I spotted a Sunbeam Tiger, and a couple of days ago a TR7, a
TR6 and a Porsche Speedster.  There's also someone in the 'hood with a
Mini.  And was that a new Mini Cooper I saw the other day?

People are actually putting the tops down on the Miatas and Z3s.


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