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Re: Go ahead, make my day

Subject: Re: Go ahead, make my day
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 16:40:58 -0800 (PST)
Well, if there was a snake list....


> Ah...for the good old days of the British-cars list  with daily
> updates on Roland's gas tank troubles.
> No more Scott Fisher, Ray Gibbons, Chris Ball, and even TerriAnn has
> fled to the Triumphs list.
> But Roland and his "snake" are like Beach Boys music.  When the
> driving season begins, they're *there*!  :-)
> Cheers!
> Tom O'Malley ('74 Spitfire)  
> On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 07:19:42 -0800 (PST), you wrote:
> >The forecast for the weekend was sunny weather on Saturday and rain on
> >Sunday, so I chose Saturday to get some shopping out of the way and put
> >a few more miles on the snake's fresh motor.  One stop was at a local
> >mall.  Shoppers were out in force.  A sign of the recovering economy, I
> >hope.  In fact, there were so many shoppers that parking was at a
> >premium.  I was stuck behind SUVs and Hondas moving at a snail's pace,
> >looking for spaces to open up.  I was forced to stop briefly in front of
> >one of the main trances to the mall.  Two young girls, maybe 10 or 11
> >years old, were chatting with each other.  Since I was one of the
> >impatient searchers myself, I didn't even noticed them at first, but
> >being in an open car and only a few feet away I clearly heard one of
> >them say "I really like that car!".  When I looked over I noticed
> >that one of the girls was looking right at the snake, so there was
> >no doubt in my mind what car she was referring to.
> >
> >Imagine developing such exquisite, discriminating taste at such a young
> >age.  This young girl will make her mark in the World one day.  She also
> >made my day.
> >
> >Roland

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