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Re: honeymoon is over

Subject: Re: honeymoon is over
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 16:07:02 EST

In a way, you should be happy about it.  Triumphs use very little gas 
(petrol)...I think I fill my Spitfire about 4 times a year.  And you can 
think of it as payback for putting up with all the gas-guzzling and parking 
space guzzling SUV's in the DC area.  I don't know how things are in the rest 
of the country, but as a fellow Northern Virginian I'm getting so tired of 
having to shoehorn my little Honda into all the down-sized parking spaces now 
so often squeezed to the yellow lines and beyond with the myriad consumer 
versions of heavy trucks (otherwise knowns as SUV's).  Besides, we still have 
it better than most of the rest of the world.  Anyway, I'm in Detroit at the 
Auto Show right now, and if you can believe what auto companies are saying, 
we won't need gas much longer.


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