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Re: virus long

Subject: Re: virus long
From: Justin <>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 21:17:33 -0800
I've been getting e-mails from people I know...   from the list... that are
"blank", but actually hold EXACTLY 40KB....   there is a file attached...   that
is not readily apparent...     I can't even see that there's an attachment in
Netscape, but when I forward the e-mail to hotmail, it turns up there... some
file...  but I'm not opening it.  Has anyone had this experience?  I'm wondering
if it's related to this virus issue.

--Justin wrote:

> Fred,
> In the first place you probably didn't spread it ; or, at least not by
> yourself. The first notice I had was from Kas Kastner on the FOT list quite
> some time ago so it has been going around for quite a while.
> In the second place anybody that knows you, would never believe you would do
> anything to hurt any body. I hope you still include me on your address list
> as I consider you one of the best things about this list. As a practical
> matter, since I have known you since the '50's when you were selling auto
> paint in wash. DC, I guess I'm qualified as a character witness, should you
> ever need one- I can definitely testify that you are a genuine character!
> Hang in there buddy!!!!!
> Doug Ross
> Rosebud Racecar

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