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RE: virus long

To: Mike Rambour <>,
Subject: RE: virus long
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 14:20:42 -0600
At 10:54 AM 11/28/01 -0800, Mike Rambour wrote:

>At 10:52 AM 11/28/2001 -0500, wrote:
>.... In Eudora, the message I get is a reply from someone but there are no 
>attachments, its just a blank reply.  I have had probably a dozen already 
>with nothing in them according to Eudora. ....

Watch it.  This one is tricky.  It is definitely the W32/BadTrans@MM 
virus.  Rather than an attachment you get an embedded file.  The most 
recent version of Eudora is capable of receiving and displaying HTML coded 
messages (among other things).  I have gotten at least a dozen of these 
messages in the last few days (never tagged as HTML coded), all 
similar.  The body of the message is blank on the screen, but the message 
is not empty.

The Eudora software maintains some folders, among them are "attach" and 
"Embedded".  Attachments go into the "attach" folder (unless otherwise 
specified at setup), but files embeded in the message go into the 
"Embedded" folder.  In nearly every case of receiving one of these messages 
I find the file containing the virus in the "Embedded" folder.  In many 
cases my McAfee anti-virus (updated on the 24th and 25th) catches the bug 
at download and deletes the file containing the virus.  In some cases there 
is no warning, but there will be some file left in the "Embedded" 
folder.  This file usually (but not always) has a file extension of or DOC 
or PIF, often appended to an MP3 file name but occasionally appended to 
another executable file name.

Another common trait without exception is that the sender's address in the 
"From:" line of the headers always has an underscore mark prepended to the 
sender's address.  If you want to respond to the sender you have ro remove 
that underscore mark or the address will not be recognized and your message 
will bounce.

I have been busy notifying everyone of the senders (more than a dozen so 
far).  I get responses to nearly half of my advisements.  In most cases the 
original sender is thanking me for the notification, having had no idea 
what was going on.  On a couple of occasions the original sender has 
scoured their machine and found no virus, so some of these messages may 
have forged "From:" addresses.  Also it is not certain that every one of 
these Embeded files will actually contain the virus, but many do.

So far I'm keeping up with the notifications to the senders, but the 
traffic is pretty heavy.  Also note that I have not received any of these 
virus laden messages from any of the mailing lists.  I believe the embeded 
files are stripped from the messages by the list server, same as 
attachments, as the list server only forwards plain text messages.

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude

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