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Re: TR7 BFH#24-d

Subject: Re: TR7 BFH#24-d
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 16:06:32 -0800 (PST)
There are two types of taps (at least).  What you probably want is what 
is referred to as a bottom tap.  This type of tap only has a slight
taper at the very bottom.  They are a bit harder to start in a hole, 
but then you've already taken care of that part.

You might be able to cut off your tap if that is your preferred 
approach.  I've cut some pretty hard small metal pieces with cut-off 
disks in my Dremel tool.  But look for a bottom tap first.  You may need
the tapered tap again sometime and probably a bottom tap as well.


> Now, an interesting problem has come up.  The blind bottom holes are very 
> shallow, and the tap doesn't go far enough in to cut enough threads to make 
> me feel comfortable.  As you know, the tap is the largest about in the 
> middle, so you really need to have the middle part go all the way to the 
> "bottom" of where you want threads.
> Possible solution -- buy a second tap, and cut it off a third of the way up.  
> Use the first tap to get started, and the second to finish the job?  Is that 
> possible? and can you even cut through these taps?  Or is there another 
> obvious solution?
> Bruce

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