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tr7 bfh#20

Subject: tr7 bfh#20
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 08:37:35 EST
Here's a question to ponder.  I'm trying to put the chain back on, and am 
finding it difficult to keep the crank, cam, and jackshaft all lined up in 
the right position.  Always seems like I have to nudge one or  the other just 
a little bit out of place to get the chain to fit on the sprockets.  

So, any tricks of the trade here?  And the book talks about the "drive side" 
of the chain.  I assume that is what others have called the power side, but 
which side is it?

For reference purposes, if you are facing the engine, the crank sprocket is 
at the bottom, the cam sprocket is up top and to the right, the jackshaft 
sprocket is down a little and to the left, and the tensioner is between the 
jackshaft and the crank, on the left.  So, if facing the engine, the chain 
goes from crank to the tensioner to the jack to the cam to the crank.  And if 
that is the right rotation, i guess you could say the the crank "pulls" the 
cam via the chain?   So, the drive side is maybe from the cam to the crank?

Chain, chain, chain... Chain of fools


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