Rick and Carolyn,
I am sooo sorry to hear about the accident. Having recently been there
with my Alpine, my feelings go out to you. I ultimately decided I would
never be satisfied or happy with the damaged car being rebuilt, always
wondering if it tilted a little one way or another, or if the wheels
tracked properly again. So, I found another Alpine shell, that was clean
and straight and painted it, then swapped over all the other good parts.
It was a huge pain, especially when I found numerous parts that I thought
would simply swap over were slightly different and didn't. Ugh. It just
gets me bothered thinking about it. In the end, I really like the new car.
But, I do think it was a negative enough experience that I'm not sure I'll
do the restoration thing again. Maybe if it wasn't a car I wanted to be
driving every day, as soon as possible, it would have been a better
Anyway, I'm glad to hear how well you survived it. Sometimes these old
cars are worth their troubles.