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Re: British Car Week

Subject: Re: British Car Week
From: Bob Hamilton <>
Date: Sat, 20 May 2000 22:13:54 -0300

         Well, I think three of us from the British Automobile Touring 
Association of Nova Scotia are doing our thing for BCW as we are now in 
Cape Cod having travelled from Halifax, Nova Scotia (~1000 miles one way) 
on Thursday and Friday to join the Jaguar Association of New England, 
(J.A.N.E.) and the Boston Area MG Car Club (B.A.M.G.C.C.) for a tour of 
Cape Cod today. Unfortunately, the weather has not cooperated at all as we 
have had rain ever since we left except for some sunshine this morning.

         However, this has not put a damper on the activities such as a 
visit to Falmouth and BBQ at the Heritage Plantation of Sandwich this 
afternoon. Despite the poor weather, we have enjoyed ourselves immensely 
and renewed friendships and made new ones which is what this hobby is all 

         A big thanks to J.A.N.E. and B.A.M.G.C.C. for their hospitality.

Bob Hamilton, Waverley, NS - 1953 Sunbeam Alpine MK I
Harry Stevens, Dartmouth, NS and Roger Phinney, Halifax, NS - 1993 XJ12
Robb Steeves, Moncton, NB - 1976 MGB

At 07:56 AM 20/05/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi John,
>Yes, British Car Week is alive and well.  In fact, today marks the first day
>(May 20 - 28).  Some of the locals and I are heading out in our British cars
>this morning to venture the roads of Amish country in Northern Indiana.
>Waving to people in horse & buggies and dodging those gooey road apples is
>all part of the fun, and there's some great twisty back roads with lots of
>beautiful unscathed scenery.
>I hope you all have a good time with your cars this week too.....
>Scott Helms

Robert A.C. Hamilton, P.O. Box 202, Waverley, Nova Scotia, B0N 2S0
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