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007 dirving a BMW

Subject: 007 dirving a BMW
From: (Gary C Smith +1 908 957 6402)
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 95 13:11:48 EST
It is hard for me to understand what has been happening to
"British cars" lately:

Rover revives the MG as the MGB RV8.

BMW takes over Rover - the last really British controlled
        major(?) car manufacturer, excepting Rolls-Royce
         (Jaguar and Aston Martin are now owned by Ford)

There are rumors of a new, mid-engined,  MGD  to be shown in this
        year's Geneva auto show.

There are articles in Autoweek and Road&Track about possibly
        reviving, of all things, the Austin Healey.

On 12/19/94 the Wall Street Journal reported that 
        "BMW is Expected to Help Vickers PLC Develop
           New Rolls-Royce and Bentley Cars"  - It seems
           future versions will have BMW engines.

Lucas Industries is subjected to a record fine for producing 
        low quality parts without any quality control that
        "caused engine fires and metal shavings in the oil system"
        for F/A-18 jet fighters. It seems to have been something
        to do with the generators for electrical power.

Just last week I got a 911 owner to admit (reluctantly) that,
        in fact, Porsches could (and his did) leak oil
        just like the cars I am familiar with.

After 5 years of inactivity and procrastination, last year
        I repaired the rust, rebuilt and reinstalled
        the engine, replaced the wiring harness, and 
        made many other minor fixes that I had deferred
        for the past 20 years.
        My wife not only supported this, she refinished the
        dash board.  I might actually get my Healey
        to start again.  I am told that British cars
        often start, no matter how bad their condition,
        just so that you can become even
        more aggravated with them.

Now I hear that the very British James Bond is to drive
        a "mystery" BMW in a new movie.  Might BMW
        be trying to rework it's 1980's yuppiemobile
        image  by promoting the "British" image
        of their recent acquisition?
        It seems the British sports car 
        "heritage" might now be a part of the BMW
        heritage that includes starting car manufacture
        with the Austin 7 in 1929 and the pre-W.W.II 
        BMW 328 sports car that seems to have 
        set a precedent for the post-war British
        XK120s and Healeys. 

This must all be some sort of hoax or hallucination -
  possibly a new restorer's disease?
Maybe we should no longer call these cars "British" or "German"?

        Gary Smith

        64 Austin Healey BJ8 (Phase 1) - Might run again this year
        66 Austin Healey BJ8 (Phase 2) - Completely disassembled

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