Agustin de la Calle writes:
>The advantage of copper pipes:
>The manufacturers claim that they are rust free.
>Why should they be illegal?
>On Wed, 25 Jan 1995 wrote:
>> I'm not sure, but I think copper brake pipes may be illegal in some
>> states...
This is a question I have, as my 39 MG TB has its original copper
brake lines. One disadvantage of copper from a materials standpoint
is that it fatigues much more readily than the steel lines commonly
used. I have heard that the copper used for brake lines is "special"
and has had some care taken to ensure that it will function in this
application, but I am still a bit uneasy about replacing the original
copper (which, after 56 years, is likely a bit fatigued and aged)
with new copper lines. I have still not found a good answer to how
safe this new copper brake line material is, although I do believe
it is a far cry from the hardware store copper water pipe. Any
metallurgists, materials science types or manufacturing engineers
out there?
Bill Putnam