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Laycock A and D type Overdrives.

Subject: Laycock A and D type Overdrives.
From: blaced@CHMA.CIBA.COM (D. Lacey)
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 95 08:45:35 +0100
Dear all,

I have a copy of a Laycock de Normanville publication which gives info
concerning the A and D type overdrives. It has stuff on principles of
operation, servicing/fault finding and a long list of serial numbers
and cars for which they were applicable (along with the associated
hydraulic pressure for the application). Everything from a Ferrari 250 GT
to a vauxhall Wyvern were available with an A type OD according to this list.
Its 17 A4 pages in all, and my copy looks like it was photocopied off
an original that had spent its entire life on someones garage floor,
but its legible.

Might be useful to anyone with OD problems (as it were), or trying to
fit an unknown source overdrive to their car. Let me know if anyone is
interested in a copy of the copy(!)....

Dave Lacey,

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