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Spitfire Brakes

Subject: Spitfire Brakes
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 1995 20:09:04 -0500
I have a 1968 Spitfire Mark III that I'm restoring. It has a proportioning 
valve in the brake lines just downstream of the master cylinder. The little 
shuttle that lives inside has two square section 'O'rings that are gonzo on my 
unit. I'vs seen replacements for the entire unit ($$$$$) but was wondering if 
anyone knew of another source or has specs on the o-rings themselves. Also, I 
saw a 1981 (japanese) Ford pick-up the other day that had what looked to be 
the identical proportioning valve in it (who said the Japs never copied a good 
thing?). Who out there is technically obtuse enough to have a go at this one.

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