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Re: Vehicle titles

Subject: Re: Vehicle titles
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 95 17:36:10 -0800
In message <> "Robert L. Pennington" 
> I know this was discussed some time ago, but since I didn't expect to
> find myself buying a vehicle without a title, it didn't get saved.
> I am about to buy a '72 TR6 parts car (that I haven't even seen yet!)
> that is supposed to have almost everything on it and sounds too good
> to just be a parts car.  It wouldn't make a bad daily driver with just
> a little fixing up ...  This is to complement the '74 that has been in
> work for two years, but that's another story.
> Unfortunately, the current owner, who is in Maryland, did not get the
> title from the previous owner.  Old registration slips are supposed to be
> in the glove box for the state of Maryland, but as I haven't seen the car 
> yet I haven't seen these either.  
> I seem to remember some discussion awhile back about titles.  If someone 
> has this information handy, could you please forward it to me?
> Thanks,
> Rob Pennington

Get the commission number off the car & have your DMV or local police check it 
to make sure the car is not hot before spending money.  If it is, they will 
probably confinscate it when you try to register it & you would be out the 
purchase price.

TeriAnn Wakeman        Large format photographers look at the world     upside down and backwards     

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