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Now we're movin'

To: Growling Kittys <>
Subject: Now we're movin'
From: Greg Meboe <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 1995 14:54:12 -0800 (PST)
Dear fellow English car buffs,
        I have been thinking of some modifications to make to the 
somewhat restrictive engine breathing (intake & exhaust) system of the 
jag, and I've received a few good suggestions over the NET.
        I decided to start by enlarging the air intake ducts that feed 
air into the air filter boxes.  I saw that Lister Performance offers a 
larger X-section intake stack, about 3"dia. as opposed to the 1.5"dia. 
that is currently on the car.  There are 2, one for each bank of 6 
cylinders.  Note, the intake throttle bodies are about 3" in diameter, 
and are mounted immediately behind the air filter element.
        Being a tinkerer, weekend welder, college student and cheapo, I 
decided I could make what Lister offered for cheaper than $50, and 
probably make it better.  Sunday, Dianne and I fabricated 3" stacks and 
welded them to the factory airboxes, in place of the 1.5" stacks.  The 
difference in high-rpm power of the engine is noticeable, however there 
is an increase in full-throttle engine noise.  
        The whole job cost me under $3, and looks almost factory.  What 
I'd like to do now, both to cure the noise at full throttle, and to boost 
performance, is to make two cutouts in the small shroud above the 
radiator.  From these I could run 3" flexible piping back to the 3" 
stacks.  I think that flexible aluminum dryer ducting painted flat black 
with black clamps would look unobtrusive, and even perhaps professional.
        This way, I would get COOL air to the intake, and have some 
degree of muffling for the intake passages.  I bought the stuff for this 
job too, and it was under $4.  However, I won't be back at my shop till 
spring break, so it'll have to wait.
        But even now, the increased performance of the car is most 
noticeable at high speeds on the freeway, and it's more fun to drive.
        I just thought you might like to know.

                            Greg Meboe
                            Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
                            Washington State University,  Pullman, Wa.
                            '85 XJ-12 H.E. (daily)  '67 Spit-6 '74 TR-6

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