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Mayflower Park Hotel Classic Motorcar Rally

Subject: Mayflower Park Hotel Classic Motorcar Rally
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 1995 23:34:30 -0500
This note is inform you folks of a great driving event here in the Pacific
Northwest, organized by my friend, Dennis Howell. He asked me to post this--I
can provide a few details, but your best bet for more info is to call one of
the numbers below.



Happy New Year!

Let's start it off right with an invitation to participate in Seattle's
premier motoring event, the Mayflower Park Hotel Classic Motorcar Rally. We
want to be sure that you have an early opportunity to make your plans. For
1995,  we have moved the rally from the Memorial Day holiday to the following
weekend; June 2, 3 and 4.

This event is a time-speed-distance competitive rally and tour, beginning and
ending in downtown Seattle. It is a tour of roads carefully selected for
driving interest and a finely catered party with lots of opportunities for
socialization and mutual admiration. We try to emphasize the social aspects
of the weekend. In addition, our esteemed rallymaster, Satch Carlson, will
have some worthwhile challenges built in for those of you that are more
serious competitors.

Following our successful tradition, we'll kick-off the rally weekend with a
sumptuous buffet and reception Friday evening at the Mayflower Park Hotel in
downtown Seattle. The rally will start early on Saturday morning. The route
will take us over marvelous roads selected for their scenic beauty and
driving challenge. Saturday evening will be a dinner party at the Salish
Lodge by spectacular Snoqualmie Falls. Sunday will find us rallying our way
back to the Mayflower Park for an early evening reception and the awards
banquet. Officially, the driving mileage of the event will be approximately
400 miles.

As in previous years, we must limit our field to 50 sports and touring cars
of pre 1970 vintage; exceptions appropriate to the spirit of the event are
always considered.

Enclosed is an entry form and some other information on the rally. The entry
fee includes the Friday reception, all meals for driver and navigator
throughout the weekend and various awards, prizes and gifts. Hotel
accommodations are optional and at additional cost. Reservation information
is provided on the rally entry form.

For further information and early reservations, please contact Marc Nowak at
the Mayflower Park Hotel; (206) 623 8700. If you plan on participating, we
would appreciate your entry by March 1, 1995.

Dennis Howell    Satch Carlson         Marc Nowak
Event Chairman   Rally Master          General Manager
                 Vintage Rally Assoc.  Mayflower Park Hotel


1995 Mayflower Park Hotel
Classic Motorcar Rally
June 2, 3, 4, 1995

Entry Application:  
Please complete and mail this form with your entry fee to the Mayflower Park
Hotel Classic Motorcar Rally, 405 Olive Way, Seattle, Washington 98101. Make
your check payable to Classic Motorcar Rally. If you submit your paid entry
before March 1, 1995, the fee will be $400. After March 1, entries will be
charged $450.  All entries must be received by April 15, 1995. If questions,
call directly to Marc Nowac, General Manager, Mayflower Park Hotel  @ (206)

Driver:    ___________________________  shirt size:  ________
Navigator: ___________________________  shirt size:  ________
Address:   __________________________________________________
City:      ___________________________  State/Prov:  ________
Country:   ___________________________  Postal Code: ________
Home Phone:(_____)____________________
Work Phone:(_____)____________________
Veh. Make: ___________________________  Year:        ________
Model:     ___________________________  Color:       ________

Please make your hotel reservations directly to the following:

Mayflower Park Hotel, Friday June 2 & Sunday June 4
(206) 623-8700
(800) 426-5100

Salish Lodge, Saturday June 3
(206) 888-2556
(800) 826-6124

Note: A special door prize will be awarded at the June 4 awards banquet. This
may include (but not necessarily limited to) round trip air tickets and
accommodations for two at a destination resort that you're sure to
appreciate. Sorry to be a bit vague on the details at the time of this
writing but it would be premature to announce the arrangements. Hell, we're
still negotiating. This prize is guaranteed to be at least double the value
of your entry fee.

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