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Re[2]: Various TR6 Stuff

To: Tim Dziechowski <>,
Subject: Re[2]: Various TR6 Stuff
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 95 11:19:37 cst
Subject: Re: Various TR6 Stuff 
From:    Tim Dziechowski <> at CCGTWINT
Date:    1/12/95  9:29 PM


>Anyone done this on a TR6 and know where it's safest to stuff the rope?

I did it on my GT6+. Only way I could get the head loose (it came off much
easier the second time. Doh!) Anyway, I just stuffed it into #6. Once the
head breaks loose it's easy. Don't try to lift the head up with the rope
or anything. Just let it move the head up 1/4 inch or less. The whole point
is to get the head loose with the rope, not remove it!

>  (Tim Dziechowski - '79 Midget)

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