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Demonstration of the list

Subject: Demonstration of the list
From: Doug Phillips <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 09:19:48 -0400 (EDT)
We held a meeting of our local club (Berkshire British Motor Club) last night. 
Seventeen members showed up - our largest turnout in a long while.

Somehow I was persuaded to give a demonstration of the capabilities of the 
online British car club - the Scions of Lucas - at our next meeting (Feb. 14). 

So help me out here folks. I can arrange for a color laptop with a modem and 
an overhead CRT color projector, from which I can use a remote log to access my 
internet site here at Williams. From there I can log onto the list. Here are my 

    I've never used Mosaic or FTP, but now would be a good time for me to learn 
    how to use it. I have neither program on my PC, but I'll arrange for our 
    computer center to set it up on my color laptop. Will a 1200 baud modem be 
    too slow to work well with Mosaic?  

    I recall that there was a posting on how to access scanned photographs of 
    the SOL auto collection as well as a library of other information (tech 
    tips, etc.) - can it be posted again?

    Would any Scions be interested in demonstrating the capabilities of the 
    internet by staying logged on during our demo on 2-14-95 (say at 7:30)? 
    We might create a "virtual meeting" with, perhaps, a question and answer 
    session or discussion of our cars. 

The February meeting should be quite interesting. Several of our club members 
are getting started with AOL and may join the list after our next meeting.


"...all good things -- trout as well as eternal salvation -- come by grace, and 
grace comes by art, and art does not come easy."

                                                -Norman Maclean
* Doug Phillips (, MA/ '52 MG TD *

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