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Re: 3000 III off the mark.

To: "Christopher Ball" <>,
Subject: Re: 3000 III off the mark.
From: "Dave Lapham" <>
Date: 10 Jan 1995 13:35:34 U
        Reply to:   RE>3000 III off the mark.

Date: 1/10/95 11:26 AM
 Christopher Ball writes:  

> I had a terrible time getting any  1st gear speed out of my 
> 64 3000. It was fabulous in the highway, but pulling away 
> from the lights in town it was a dog. (for the car it is)
>There were three items to address:

<stuff deleted>

> 2.
> He drove it around the block and came back grinning. "Well up to you 
> Chris" he said "'cause this is a riot when it ON THE CAM, but it's
> been set up for the track." Turned out that it was set for power at around
> 35000 RPM.   
Hmmm, I feel pretty wimpy now.  I was thinking I'd hold mine to under 7,000

> 3.
> The third problem that finally brought it to life even more was the old
> "oil in the dashpot" thing. I changed to a thinner oil and kept it at
> a good level. Sure enough that let the SU piston rise with less 
> vacuum and I get an even better pull away now. Some times it's the
> simple things.

I've done this.  I run light machine oil (sewing machine oil) in my 
dashpots.  I can't say I've noticed a difference, but with the cam 
timing way off I have hard time detecting subtle things.  But, just 
about everyone with an opinion says run thinner oil in the carbs.  
Dave Lapham       Austin, TX  

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