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Re: a voice in the wilderness

To: Anthony Case <>
Subject: Re: a voice in the wilderness
From: (Judith Winter)
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 95 14:30:39 PST
>        Somehow I have been mistakenly dumped from the list. My life is 
>not complete without reading it every day. I hate to bomb you all with 
>this, but how do I get re-instated? I tried to write Mark Bradakis at the 
>"british-car-request" address but I got a machine called majordomo that 
>doesn`t recognize text. I want to come back. I promise I'll be a good 
>boy. Help!
>                Anthony Case, Once and future Britcar victim

I've got a spare subscription I could give you. :)

I originally subscribed from an aol account (no comments --that was before
my rural area had internet access) with a 2400 baud modem.

When we got internet access, I also bought a real modem (14.4) and
subscribed directly from a SLI/PPP account.

All attempts to unsubscribe from my aol brit-cars subscription have been
fruitless, as I receive a message back telling me that I am not subscribed
therefore I cannot unsubscribe.

... If Lucas electrics maintained an internet-based mailing list ... :)

Try sending to 

the message

        subscribe british-cars [your name]

In connection,

Judith Winter

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