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"Mystery car" engine

Subject: "Mystery car" engine
Date: Sat, 7 Jan 1995 19:22:38 -0500
> The engine has "Biltmore A130" on it somewhere, so we 
> assume, but are not certain, that it is an Austin A130 
> sedan engine

Far be it from me to claim that I'm the leading expert on Austins,  but I
don't think there was ever a car known by the designation A130, certainly
never one brought into this country. There was the A125 Sheerline, and the
A135 Princess limo. Both of these had monstrous inline sixes of about 4.5
liters. If this is what's in the car, I can't imagine (a) how it was made to
fit, and (b) what the cockpit heat would be like, given the stock Healey's

The "biltmore" part is especially mystifying. This has no significance, as
far as I know, to any Austin, either as a model name or a factory location.
There was a firm, "Beardsmore" who built taxis and commercial vehicles
(several "London" taxis imported in this country which are sold as Austins
are, in fact, Beardsmores), and they did make their own engines, but these
were all diesels (as were most taxis).


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