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Re: My MGB is in drydock

Subject: Re: My MGB is in drydock
From: (Sandro Menzel)
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 19:35:36 -0800
>Sooo here'some thoughts for people who got sucked into a complete restoration.
>You NEED:
> [snip]
>% Old blanket, or large cardboard sheet to lay on while under the car to keep
>the cold away.

Carpeting works well for this, too.

>% Garage

If you get a garage, make sure that you have easy access to electricity.
The building I live in doesn't have any outlets in the garage. Then again,
it's a condo and they probably decided against electricity to keep people
like me from getting too deeply involved in auto work. :)

Take care


- '73 Jensen-Healey
- '66 Midget

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