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home-made smog control and visual check

Subject: home-made smog control and visual check
From: Eubank Lynn Alan <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 09:23:32 -0600 (CST)
I was counting on the visual check, and indeed the people did stare
around under the hoo . ah, er, bonnet. The thing is, who's to know
what the original equipment looks like? It's not like original
equipment has this big stamp saying OEM. More importantly, it's certainly
not as if the smog checkers, at least here, are partciularly trained to 
look for anything other than the mere presence of e.g. smog pump, EGR, etc.
It is interesting, though, that when they stared at the MG, nobody
bothered to get down on the floor and look for a catalytic converter
(which they wouldn't have found).
I'm outa here ...

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