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Gentlemen don't discuss money, but...

Subject: Gentlemen don't discuss money, but...
From: (Scott Fisher)
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 1994 17:52:46 -0800
I'm looking for some ballpark experiences from other Bay
Area SOLs (who need  be neither gentle nor men :-) on
the cost of bodywork and paint done professionally.

As most of you know, I don't even have time to write to
the Britcars list, much less actually work on my cars.  (The
#1 valve spring retainer has been loose since October 10,
and all I've had time to do is pull the valve cover and say
yep, that sure is a loose valve spring retainer!)  But the good
side of all this is that I'm actually getting paid for most of
the tippy-tap-typing I'm doing, with the result that I can now
afford to get the big dents pounded out of the M.G. and have
someone respray it in an authentic BRG.

The last time Mike O'Connor looked at my car, he figured it
would cost between $3000 and $4000 to do the bodywork right.
Now, Mike O'Connor's view of "right" is probably a few
notches tighter than mine, but I don't want a Bondo and spray
can job, either.  I want something about as nice as the car looked
when it left the factory, which is about halfway to the typical
modern restoration.

I don't want a 99-point car, because I mainly like to drive the
silly thing rather than look at it and worry about birds dropping
little caustic packages on it.  I don't want to commit seppuku the
first time some clod opens his door and tinks off a little fleck of
the new BRG paint.  I just want the dents pulled out and made
smooth, and a new coat of paint.

So how much is that likely to cost in the Bay Area, in early 1995?
Can I get a reasonable paint job on my MGB (for the many of you
who have seen it or gone on tours with me) for under $2000?
Assume that I have no time to do things like take trim off or
otherwise prepare the car in any way more complicated than
driving it to the paint booth.

Anecdotes, experiences, warnings, commiseration, and anything
else you'd like to share will be welcome.  Oh, and please be sure
I'm in the CC: list so that your reply comes to this address.



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