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Subject: SHE LIVES!
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 94 10:03:00 -0500

To respond to your comments, I am not exactly a ZB nut.
This car was offered at just the right price for me. FREE!
I couldn't walk away from a deal so sweet. You ask if I have
any other habits, suggesting a passion for red heads. Yes,
the head on this ZB is red. Weren't all 1500's red?

Uh, I kinda haven't contributed to the M.I.N.I list 'cause
I haven't had anything minienough to say. Back in November
a friend showed me a yard full of rusted, used and abused
mini's. We think the owner wants too much money for these
shells, so, have not pursued them (him) yet.

Anyway, I stuck a battery in the ZB Saturday just for shits
and grins. Much to my surprise, most of the lights came on
at the appropriate time, of course. Feeling encourged by that
I pused the starter switch. The formerly seized engine rolled
over nicely! It did not, however, roar to life. No surprise.
The cabies were full of left over mouse dodo. Spent most of
last night cleaning out the carbs and now the pistons move
quite freely (there's my favorite word again...FREE!)

On the down side, I sat in the passenger seat and literally
sank through the floor, seat and all.

So, who wants to lend me their copy of NTG's Z catalog?


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