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absorbent mats?

To: (british cars list)
Subject: absorbent mats?
From: (Adrian Jefferies)
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 1994 17:09:58 +0000 (GMT)

A few days ago there was some discussion about a special mat for
absorbing oil leaks - I can remember the US phone number: 1-800-HOT-HOGS !
Can some kind soul supply the address of the manufacturer as I'm in the UK?

SU fuel pumps:
For what its worth: I had a used MGB some years ago & put 50k miles on it. 
The pump never faltered. However, I did  a)  take the time to get down on
my hands & knees to locate the thing should I have to bash it,
b)  obtain another one just in case, c)  familiarise myself with the
relevant pages of the Haynes manual ...

Regards, Adrian

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