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Heartless baskets and other things

Subject: Heartless baskets and other things
From: Paul Rodenhuis <>
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 10:24:10 +1100
Thanks to those who responded.  I realise I was suffering from
post-traumatic stress...  Thinking more clearly now.
Of course all the people who belong to this group have
their OWN problems to worry about, they own British cars
after all!

The repairs are under way.  New carbies have been ordered,
paint matched and supplied.  The restorer hopes to have all
his work done by the weekend so that it will be mobile and
able to be driven to the auto-electrician for re-wiring.
All being well, I should have it back the weekend of 17-18 Dec.

For those of you  who are in the 'Whats a Zephyr? Club':
The Ford Zephyr Mk I was produced from 1950 to '56, when the Mk II was released.
The Mk III with the bigger tail fins (as seen in BBC Z-Cars) came out in
61.  Its a six-seater sedan, 4 door, 6 cyl engine.  The Mk I was 2250,
the Mk II and III is 2553.  Mk I and II had 3-speed box while III had 
4-speed. All column change.  I've got some colour photos scanned
so I'll try to uuencode them and upload for all to see.  Mine is
kinda 'nipple pink' with cream top.
The fire damage was contained to the engine bay, thankfully we had
the extinguisher, otherwise, who knows?

On the subject of SU fuel pumps; I had my first experience
not long after buying my first (second hand) Mini.  It suddenly
cut out on me while travelling late one night from Sydney to 
Newcastle.  Luckily, another Mini club member was following.
He immediately diagnosed the problem.  A quick whack on the
pump with a stick and click-click-click and we were away.

I got used to feeling the loss of power, running into the gravel
at the side of the road to jolt the pump back to life.  It 
mainly worked.  Didn't the one time I was overtaking some traffic
and I was stuck in the outside lane.  Puzzled looks from the
overtakees as I had to drop back and stop at the side of the road.

paul( feeling better now)r

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