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The MG factory - and what it is now

Subject: The MG factory - and what it is now
From: jdickert@Alice.Wonderland.Caltech.EDU (Jeff M. Dickert)
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 94 17:28:22 PST
  Heard a brit-cars fact (perhaps rumor?) today, in an odd place - in my
optoelectronics class.

  Apparently, the professor of the class knows a professor/company owner
back in England, who is the owner of Oxford Lasers.  They build copper
vapor lasers for use in pumping dye lasers, or for high repetition, 
short pulse-width applications.  So the professor asks the class, "Do any
of you know what an MG is, one of those little cars."  I raised my hand,
and noted without surprise that only one other hand was raised in a class
of 30+.  
  Anyway, the workshop for this group is set up in an original MG building.
Any other corraborating facts out there?  An amusing fact is that the
workers in the factory benefit from an old gasoline tank underneath the
building, so they can fill up any time they want!

  Interesting how the past becomes the future. . .

 -Jeff Dickert

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