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Re: Home Nazis and my old street-car

Subject: Re: Home Nazis and my old street-car
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 94 13:41:04 PST
> The more I hear about other the states, the happier I am to live in
> "backwards" Arkansas.  I got a warning once, about my cars.  I'm in city 

Restrictions of this kind are rarely if ever mandated by state laws.
Where, how many and what kind of cars can be parked on or near your
property are local ordinance and very not only from county to county but
from city to city.  They certainly do here in Santa Clara County where
there are probably half a dozen or more incorporated cities.  Since city
boundaries are defined by streets, the guy living across the street from
you could very well be subject to an entirely a different set of stupid
restrictive laws from are.

And in many cases these restriction are part of home owners agreements
which I assume are contracts not local codes.  So if you live in a condo
you may have restrictions that don't apply to the owner of a single
family dwelling half a block away on the same street and in the same


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