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Re[2]: TR3B for sale

To: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>,
Subject: Re[2]: TR3B for sale
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 94 16:01:12 CST

I haven't seen the original post that prompted this response from TeriAnn,
but simple ignorance has never stopped me before, and I had a comment or 2...

>1. The heater has been bypassed with a jumper hose and the heater valve is 
>missing.  This usually indicates a bad heater core.

Bingo. That's exactly what happened to me with the GT6. I noticed that there 
was a single hose looping from the heater control valve, and no hoses 
connected to the heater core. When I connected the hoses up to the core,
I got drip drip drip into the car... I replaced the core, at somewhat
great expense... Remember, nobody is going to go to the trouble of bypassing
the core if there's nothing wrong with it! Of course, in this case, since
the valve is missing, it's possible the valve went bad and the PO simply
shut off the whole heating system instead of shelling out $40 or $50 for
a new valve. If it's the valve, it's easier and cheaper to replace. I assume
that with the TR3, the only source of a heater core would be from a parts
car somewhere. That's the case with the GT6.

>2. The fuel line is in a non-original location.

Same with the GT6, but in that case, it had a nice electric fuel pump
that works quite well.

>TeriAnn Wakeman        Large format photographers look at the world
>     upside down and backwards     
>LINK: TWAKEMAN              
>408-974-2344                         TR3A - TS75519L, 
>                       MGBGT - GHD4U149572G, Land Rover 109 - 164000561

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