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Re: Picking on Land Rovers

Subject: Re: Picking on Land Rovers
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 94 14:11:49 -0700
In message <> Ms Jan 
Hilborn writes:
>  Hmmm, well I feel I have a little experience to add to this debate.
>  Four years ago I drove my 1967 88' (full length canvas, 7.50x16 tyres, 
> working overdrive, and good stereo) around the USA. I drove about 15,000 
> miles in about 6 weeks. I drove on interstate highways (keeping up with 
> the main bit of traffic, although not racing the hot rods) and on back 
> roads and on no roads at all.
>  The truck held up quite well, I was comfortable (except for a blizzard 
> in Montana when I didn't have my Canvas on tightly enough), and I really 
> enjoyed the trip. So did my dog.
>  Sure, sure, so that was a vacation and vacations are not a fair 
> comparison to everyday, real life driving.
>  When I came home to Vermont I took a job driving all around the west 
> side of the state. I averaged 200 miles a day, 4-5 days a week and I did 
> this job for nearly 4 years driving my Land Rover on Intersate highways, 
> back roads, and no roads at all. Whenever Federales or University bigwigs 
> came to visit our programs they were sent out on the road with me, in the 
> Land Rover, to see the state. I never received any complaints about the ride.
> (they were probably terrified speechless and unable to voice a complaint...).
>  Certainly Land Rovers are not for everyone. If you want to be buffered 
> and insulated from the world; if you want to be totally unaware of what 
> you are driving or even that you are driving; if you want to feel like 
> you are at home on the couch watching a video of the world go by....
>       ...then buy a car.
>  i've been driving a land rover for over 15 years and i like the damn 
> things a lot.
>  jan

SO here is another woman's impression of long distance Land Rover driving.
Maybe the Land Rover is a woman's car & just too rough for men on the British 
car list???? :*)  :*)   ;*)

TeriAnn Wakeman        Large format photographers look at the world     upside down and backwards     
LINK: TWAKEMAN              
408-974-2344                         TR3A - TS75519L, 
                       MGBGT - GHD4U149572G, Land Rover 109 - 164000561

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