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Subject: changes...
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 1994 10:01:35 -0500 (CDT)
While the TR6 still languishes with the body in the air and the frame on the 
ground, Betty the MGB approaches the point where entropy will start to 
decrease again.  The patch panels are about all done, and the rear fender 
"dog-leg" that I got from Moss (a bargain at $16.95) came with the "flange" 
already crimped in ready for welding to the rest of the fender.  

QUESTION:  Betty's hood is a replacement (at least the vinyl part, not the
frame), but hood was "permanently" attached to the rearmost hood-frame rail
by whomever installed it; i.e. a cloth flap is sewn around the rail.  On my
Triumphs, this flap detaches with snaps when it's time to fold the hood,
but in this 'B (it's a '77) this can't happen.  This means that it's
difficult to fold the hood all the way down because the vinyl is not free
from the frame.  Is this the way it's supposed to be? 

Another major addition to my family is imminent, and it's not a baby *or* an 
LBC! --- Being the kind, loving types that we are, my wife and I (with a 3 
and a 6 yr old) are taking in a 17-yr-old Bosnian girl who arrives tonight 
so that she can finish high school here.  Seems her school in Sarajevo is 
now a pile of rubble.  Aack - I'm about to have a teenager!   Sooooo, the 
big question is, as soon as I get Betty the B painted, does she get to 
drive it?

Ray James queries:
>Trivia Quiz--What does the "W" in 10W40 stand for?
  "Winter" - as in 10 in Winter, i.e. there is sometimes a dash after the W 
to denote that it goes with the 10:  10W-40
So why not call it 10W-40S?

>Different strokes for different folks--whatever turns your shaft.
   Watch out, Ray --- you know what happens when you give *this* crowd a 
chance to start...

Lee M. Daniels   Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding   Texas A&M            (409) 845-3726          Fax (409) 845-9351

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