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Convert generator -> alternator

Subject: Convert generator -> alternator
From: Paul Rodenhuis <>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 1994 14:46:26 +1000
I am getting sick of having to charge the Zephyr's battery
on almost a weekly basis.  This is due to the short trips
I do to the station (about 3 miles).  As soon as the voltage
drops a bit, it gets harder and harder to start.

SO-o-o I want to fit an alternator which hopefully will keep
the battery topped up. (Note that I've fitted stronger sealed
beams and on highbeam, the ammeter is -ve by a few amps.)

I believe that fitting an alternator is not too difficult
mechanically, maybe need a spacer to use the existing mounting

My questions relate to the electrics ... as the alternator has
the regulator built in, which wire goes where?  
Complicating factor: I need to be able to reverse the situation
back to original for my racing class.  Thus I need to leave the
regulator in place and be able to plug the generator back in.

Standing by for net.wisdom

'57 Mk II Zephyr (daily driver)

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