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Making the Grade With a C

Subject: Making the Grade With a C
From: (Mark A. Dodd, WL/ELOD, X55581/64158)
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 94 09:17:57 EDT
     With a few more miles under my belt in the C/GT (and a few more quarts
of oil down the hatch) I thought I would pass along a few more impressions.
     Two weekends ago, our local MG club had an event unexperienced by far
too many of you, unfortunately.  We had a covered bridge tour through the
rolling hills of Ohio in all its blazing fall glory.  We had 17 MGs total
and I ran the C to gain a little confidence in it.  It was a questionable
choice.  The car ran flawlessly.  But it would have been much more fun in
the midget.  While the C makes the best mechanical sound of any car I have
ever owned/driven, I didn't have a chance to hear it often.  That big lump
under the hood has so much torque, that I spent most of my time in third.
The midgets were having fun running through the gears almost constantly :-0
The other sound I missed was engine braking going down hills.  The midget
merrily pops and burbles away, the C just slows down.  And I got harassed
for being one of only two on the tour with my hood up on a sunny, 73F fall
day.  It was good for building confidence, but the midget would have been
the car of choice.
     The car is used on almost a daily basis for my bus duty with the two
girls.  So far, every time I have asked them what car they want to go in,
they have answered "the green car."  Even when I pick them up it is "Daddy,
did you drive the green car?"  It may not be a Volvo, but the kids still
like it :-)  With fall really setting in here in Dayton, the cool mornings
have put the heater to the test.  And it passes quite nicely, thank you.
     If I have to give it a grade, it would currently rate a B+.  To get the
A would require the oil pressure and tachometer to work more than
intermittently.  And for all those nasty little (and big) rust holes to be
filled in with real metal.  And for a box with all the Sebring conversion
components to appear on my
door step, but not on my Discover bill.  Guess I will have to wait a while
for the A to arrive.  But I don't care, I have a C!!
Mark A Dodd                 Working in the dark (infrared)
email: Working in the grease (MGs)
Snail: 2700 D St, Ste 2     Working in the dust (212 Central
       WPAFB, OH 45433-7405                      Dayton, OH)
       (513) 255-5581

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