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Re: Armorall

Subject: Re: Armorall
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 1994 09:24:00 -0400
Hmmmm.  I have never heard of Armorall causing problems, especially
on interiors.  In fact, I had never had a problem with my dashboard
cracking until I used a cleaner on it.  The color was restored, but
the padding cracked within 6 months after the cleaning.  I attributed
it to the fact that I didn't use a protectant after the cleaner.  I
have been using Armorall on my wife's car for a couple of years, and
the dashboard still looks new.  There is no sign whatsoever of breakdown.
I've also used it on tires without any problems, although I now use
Westley's silicone liquid (I think it's bumper black or tire black).

I've never tried Simple Green (and I hope I never try Soylent Green
although I do like Charlton Heston movies).  Perhaps it's not as
strong as the windex I used that cracked my dash.

James A. Babcock, Software Engineer   Email:
Netrix Corporation                    '92 Honda Accord
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