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re: '69 MGB ign. lite mystery ??

Subject: re: '69 MGB ign. lite mystery ??
From: Andy Mace <>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 10:14:48 PDT
I'll risk potential embarrassment here and assume that your car has a 
generator and external voltage regulator. If so, this sounds to me 
exactly like a situation I ran into years ago with a friend's Mk.3 
Spitfire. Turned out the light stayed on because the voltage reg. contact 
had "welded" itself solid, providing a constant current flow. This kept 
the IGN light on and, not surprisingly, drained the battery over a 
not-so-lengthy period of time.

Of course, I have seen a similar sort of stubbornly independent IGN light 
on alternator-equipped Spits as well, so....

Andy Mace

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