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'69 MGB ign. lite mystery ??

Subject: '69 MGB ign. lite mystery ??
From: Frank Condelli <>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 06:46:15 -0400 (EDT)
Yesterday I came out from work and found my "69 MGB with it's ignition
lite lit up !!  At first I thought I had left the ignition switch on but
after some contemplation figured this was almost impossible.  I checked
and sure enough it was off.  I tried the starter and vroom away we go.  So
there seemed to be no battery loss or not much that was noticeable.  So I
drove home and everything seemed fine.  I had to go out after a quick
shower and when I got back in the MG the lite was not on.  I went to a
meeting and after the meeting some some 2 hours later, the lite was on
when I came to the car.  It started up just fine and I drove home and did
not notice anything else wierd.  I will check it again this morning but I
don't have a clue as to what is happening.   The ignition switch is
supposed to cut off all current to the vehicle, right?  Has anyone else
ever experienced this phenomen and what was your cure ??



              *  Frank Condelli  *  Kinburn, Ontario, Canada  * 
                      *  *

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