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Re: MGC/GT Is & Qs

Subject: Re: MGC/GT Is & Qs
From: Steve Bender <sbender@illiad.dsd.ES.COM>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 09:26:00 -0600
>         Questions:  This car likes to drink oil.  Having talked with other C
> owners at the University Motors Summer Picnic, this is apparently common.
> But how much is common?  It also seems to burn more when cold than when
> warmed up.  Does this mean it is more likely head or piston related?
> Someone said the easiest way to reduce the oil consumption is to rebuild the
> head.  Fact or fiction?   Like a FEW other Cs out there, the brake boosters
> are history.  While the car stops fine, it has the hardest pedal I have ever
> used, surprize, surprize.  I know that new boosters are now available, but
> at nearly $500 times 2 boosters, that is not an option at this time.  Would
> a better choice be using the dual circuit master and single booster from a
> late MGB make sense?  Other ideas?  And lastly, did/does Haynes or anyone
> else make a manual specifically for the C?  The B manual will help, but it
> doesn't cover it all.
>         Thanks for any and all ideas/thoughts/comments.
> ____________________________________________________________
> Mark A Dodd                 Working in the dark (infrared)
> email: Working in the grease (MGs)
> Snail: 2700 D St, Ste 2     Working in the dust (212 Central
>        WPAFB, OH 45433-7405                      Dayton, OH)
>        (513) 255-5581


If you car puffs a lot of blue smoke when you first fire it up,
the likely source of the oil burning is from worn valve-guides.
If you pull the spark-plugs and they get caked-up with black
sooty gunk, then this indicates that oil gets sucked into the 
combustion-chamber past the rings or possibly (but less likely)
past the intake valves.  If the plugs remain fairly clean,
then the only possible source for burning oil is where it gets
sucked past the exhaust-valves and burned in the hot head and
manifold.  Don't rule out the possibility that you may also
be leaking some oil rather than burning it.  Finally, if your
crankcase breather (PCV) is plugged, this will exacerbate
burning/leaking oil.

If you have good oil pressure, you can live for awhile with the 
assurance that oil is cheaper than even a light rebuild.  My
TR4A burns/leaks a quart about every 1500-2000 miles... no
problem.  I have a van that burns a quart every 1000 miles...
it does'nt bother me.  500 miles is'nt too bad, but would 
get my attention.  Burning a quart every tank of gas would
probably begin manifesting itself with fouling plugs and need
attention anyway.

On a separate note, I have exactly two MGC brake servo rebuild
kits.  They're NOS parts in their original Girling boxes.  A
fellow offered to buy the pair from me for $175, and I agreed
but he never got back to me... That was nearly a year ago, so
I'll extend the offer to you if you have interest in them.
I also have some other MGC parts including some engine-bearings
and valves... I do NOT have an MGC.


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