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valuables (was: gremlins)

Subject: valuables (was: gremlins)
From: (Will Zehring)
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 94 07:29:38 EDT
Andrew Dooley writes:

>It also has this habit of eating tools--
>it's swallowed three wrenches.  One wrench fell into the hole between the
>fender and wheel well, the other two have simply vanished without a trace.  I
>don't mind the loss of money and time, but missing tools are another story

That's what I like, an individual who has values!

Will "your life or your tools" Zehring

P.S. You could use it as a sort of Faulknerian ploy to prospective buyers, 
claiming that in anticipation of advancing Yankee troops, a previous owner 
has stashed two box wrenches somewhere in the car but you have never been 
able to find them.

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